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Landlords Insurance

Safeguarding your rental property with Resolute Mortgages

Landlord insurance is the ideal way to protect your rental property against any damage to the building or contents.

Safeguarding your rental property with this type of home insurance can give you peace of mind that your investment is well protected.

Landlord insurance can be referred to as Buy to Let insurance and even though it isn’t a legal requirement, it is highly recommended – after all, you can never predict how reliable tenants may be. Investing in such protection could save headaches later on!

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All policy providers will have slightly different variations, which is why it is important to seek advice from one of our advisors, as we can compare the market and tailor the policy to suit you.

Landlord insurance policies as a minimum should cover the building and contents cover but this is subject to the property type.  There are other additional features you can include on your policy.

  • Liability insurance
  • Cables and Underground pipes cover.
  • Theft, fire and flood.
  • Cover multiple properties under 1 policy.
  • Subsidence, ground heave and landslip cover.
  • Legal costs.
  • Rent Arrears.

Types of landlord insurance policies available.

Covers the structure of your property, including walls, roof and floors, as well as permanent fixtures and fittings.

Covers the furniture, rugs and curtains you provide in the property.  However, this does not include the tenants contents.  They will need to take out their own policy.

Sometimes referred to as Rental Guarantee insurance.  This type of cover protects you against any rent that is lost due to the tenants being unable to live in the property, due to damages they caused.

This covers the cost if a third party suffers injury or damages whilst being present on your property and it is deemed your fault.

While you are waiting for new tenants, you may find your property is left unoccupied for a period of time.  This type of policy will offer you cover, while you wait for new tenants to move in.

Should you need to employ someone to attend the property and carry out work, if they injury themselves and it is deemed to be your negligence, you may find you are liable.  This type of policy is there to protect you in the event of this happening.

This type of policy will cover you if you are unable to rent your property due to damages that is covered by your insurance.

This will cover you for emergency call outs if you need to hire a tradesman to make a quick repair to a burst pipe or boiler breakdown.

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